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Considering Holy Childhood Preschool? (978) 531-4733

Carmelite Preschool

Ms Dawn

3 Year Old Monday, Wednesday, Friday

April News!
Tentative Happenings in our Class


Week 1       April 1st – April 5th
This week we will be learning about butterflies and their life cycle. We will be making caterpillars and butterflies for art, which serve as a beautiful example of “New Life”. 

Week 2       April 8th – 12th - “April Showers Bring May Flowers.” - This
                  week we will be “pondering” at the pond!  We will learn about ducks,
                  frogs, turtles and other “pond life creatures”. We will hear a story and
                  sing a song about Five Little Speckled Frogs as we review our
                  numbers 1-5.


Week 3       April 15th – 19th     ***No School – April Vacation***


Week 4       April 22nd – April 26th  - This week we will be learning about Earth Day, April 22nd.  We will learn about the 3R’s, (reduce, reuse and recycle), to keep our earth clean and healthy.  In addition, we will be planting seeds, caring for them, and hopefully watching them bloom into beautiful flowers!


Have a blessed Easter season!

Miss Dawn, Miss Karen and Miss Silvia

Class Time Schedules

3 Year Old M-W-F Program Schedule
Time Activity
7:30 Arrival Play in Playroom
8:25 Bathroom
8:35 Classroom free play
9:00 Playroom Activity
9:30 Snack and story
9:45 Art
10:00 Playroom Music/Exercise
10:25 Prayer - Pledge - Attendance - Calendar - Weather
10:55 Lesson
11:20 Preparation for dismissal
11:30 Morning Dismissal
11:50 Bathroom
12:00 Lunch
12:30 Recess
1:30 Rest Time
2:30 Activities/Play
3:30 School Closes